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Enhancement Request: Business Hour Reporting
Create a power up that will remove datapoints from a time series graph that fall out of business hours. For example, I have a graph that shows AVG duration for each hour interval over the last 7 days. So a PU like !PU(bizhours):starttime:08:00;endtime:17:00. The the power up would remove all data points that are outside of 9am to 5pm. Maybe add in a parameter to include/exclude weekends.
This is perfect and agree this is huge need for Dynatrace engineers. There is a RFE for it https://community.dynatrace.com/t5/Dynatrace-product-ideas/RFE-Support-for-Business-Hours-in-timeframe-selector/idi-p/154613
I am trying to powerups for a heatmap during business hours only throughout a week and it will not report on the hours set within dynatraces custom timeframe reporting:
I think I can create a specific workflow in the BizOps Configurator. Here's what I'm thinking. The workflow will prompt for the interval...in your case that - 16:00-9:00 or 7 hours. I can then add in a prompt for business days. In your case that will be 6 days. I will support 5, 6 or 7 days as business days. The dashboard will work off of the beginning timeframe and then go from there. So you will deploy with 7 hours and 6 days. As long as you put your timeframe on any Tuesday at 9:00am, it should work. If you had your timeframe on Wednesday, it would display Wednesday - Monday. And if you had the hour at 10:00 am, it would calculate for 10:00am - 17:00pm. If that approach works for you, let me know and I'll test it out. But thinking that should work...
That sounds amazing!!! I think to start out we would want 5 days or Monday to Friday and have the hour interval either be 0900 to 1600 or 1700. Lastly another piece of complexity that sometimes arises comes from timezones. If we could add just a simple timezone (sometimes ZZ in date-fns) label to show what time zone is being reported on that would be amazing-er.
I made some changes and got things working for now. There are a few limitations that I will work on next week. Here's the workflow (connect to the configurator with GitHub as the changes I made won't be promoted to S3 until this evening): https://dynatrace.github.io/BizOpsConfigurator/#deploy/persona/App%20Owner/Application%20Overview/Application%20Heatmap%20(%F0%9F%92%8E) Limit the app selection to 2-10. I need to make a change to get around the Explorer 10 row limit and will do that next week. For the interval, use -1d as this makes the most sense for working hours heatmap. For round down, use /d as this too makes the most sense. I added 2 new widgets for start time and end time. I'll make that select easier next week, but for now use something like:
StartTime: +9h00m EndTime: +17h00m
The good news is you don't have to mess with the global timeframe as every tile is autogenerated. So if I have a timeframe for anytime today, the heatmap will have day 1 as yesterday...9-5...and so on.
Let me know your thoughts. For now, weekends are included but I'll figure out an option to include/exclude that as well.
This is great but I am sure I messed up but didn’t see a StartTime or EndTime
From: TechShady @.> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 1:45 PM To: dynatrace-oss/DynatraceDashboardPowerups @.> Cc: Kenneth Gillette @.>; Comment @.> Subject: Re: [dynatrace-oss/DynatraceDashboardPowerups] Enhancement Request: Business Hour Reporting (Issue #143)
I made some changes and got things working for now. There are a few limitations that I will work on next week. Here's the workflow (connect to the configurator with GitHub as the changes I made won't be promoted to S3 until this evening): https://dynatrace.github.io/BizOpsConfigurator/#deploy/persona/App%20Owner/Application%20Overview/Application%20Heatmap%20(%F0%9F%92%8E)https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/dynatrace.github.io/BizOpsConfigurator/*deploy/persona/App*20Owner/Application*20Overview/Application*20Heatmap*20(**C)__;IyUlJSXwn5KO!!Cz2fjcuE!gUjFYiUIBPbUtzqZlHTFcstJErQl77FP8CO7oY84fN3X3ymtICrziYw671f4QCvcQqhPXJphC__EJh1KGpP3rMOAYT5dElIFYAw$ Limit the app selection to 2-10. I need to make a change to get around the Explorer 10 row limit and will do that next week. For the interval, use -1d as this makes the most sense for working hours heatmap. For round down, use /d as this too makes the most sense. I added 2 new widgets for start time and end time. I'll make that select easier next week, but for now use something like:
StartTime: +9h00m EndTime: +17h00m
The good news is you don't have to mess with the global timeframe as every tile is autogenerated. So if I have a timeframe for anytime today, the heatmap will have day 1 as yesterday...9-5...and so on.
Let me know your thoughts. For now, weekends are included but I'll figure out an option to include/exclude that as well.
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