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Vanilla simulation support
I'm not entirely sure, but i think that even in vanilla mode there are differences between night time and day time with regard of people visiting places.
Perhaps it would make sense to also include an option for "Vanilla Simulation" so that Real time only actually changes the length of day or night simulation. I would then recommend to add more speed options if vanilla simulation is selected, so that the player can choose for long days and short nights.
This would also allow a mode for larger cities (>65k).
What do you mean by "vanilla mode"? There is no vanilla mode in Real Time. There is only a setting that controls how many citizen instances are spawned (which has an option "as in vanilla game"). All the Real Time logic still applies.
I am not planning to create a "vanilla mode" or "light mode" or whatever you call it.
I did indeed intended a "light" mode, using the regular vanilla simulation, which would allow for operation in larger cities (>65k).
Recently I've been playing without Realtime (city = >65k), with day and night cycle turned on. and I learned that when day breaks "more" people got to work. and when day ends, more people go home. In my city i actually got some morning and evening traffic jams <3
To be honest I was a bit surprised. I always thought that vanilla simulation was completely random, but it seems its not. Of course its nowhere close as detailed as the schedules from Realtime.... And i miss out on many of the other cool Real time features, which is a shame.