Dylan Mikesell

Results 23 issues of Dylan Mikesell

I would like to implement the response deconvolution algorithm in this paper from [Matt Haney et al. (2012)](https://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/ssa/srl/article-abstract/83/5/834/348918/Causal-Instrument-Corrections-for-Short-Period-and?redirectedFrom=fulltext) in BSSA. I was reading through the developer's guide on processing algorithms....

feature request

As I am doing this instrument deconvolution code, I have ran into a small difference in behaviors and I would like to know if this is expected. Here is a...


Hi @paudetseis, is there any reason on your end to add MSEED read functionality. It seems to me like it should be able to handle both. I have mseed day...

I refactored this code considerably. Many things were moved to functions, including all plot types. Also moved to a grid in kilometers rather than degrees. There is a verbose flag...

We think it would be good to add a t-max variable to the iftan GUI, similar to the normed FTAN box. This way the user can zoom in on the...

We are getting some strange behavior (or we think it is strange) regarding alpha_2. When alpha_2 is zero, we get a smoother model than when alpha_2 is 10^-6. See attached...


I think there is an error in the `t_obs` calculation in ANSWT.py. This value is currently computed as `dist=(np.hypot(x1-x2, y1-y2))` `t_obs = dist/Vg1` where dist is being computed from x1,x2,y1,y2,...

It seems like the minimum wavelength criteria is only actually function in iftan.py (e.g. line 166 `idxx = np.where( float( _minWL.get() ) < dist/(disper*per) )[0]`), but not in ftan.py. Therefore,...

I am creating an issue for the diagram type plotting in both the iftan.py and ftan.py call. I will submit a commit to fix this issue, but wanted an issue...

I have been working to modify iftan.py and ftan.py to work with any of the combination (PV, FV, PT, FT). I have everything working now, but the velocity seeding is...