phoenix-chat-example copied to clipboard
Getting error: Ecto.Queryable not implemented for Message
Hey there. I've followed the tutorial and adjusted my postgres databases, so everything works except querying the db to grab the last 20 saved messages. Here's what I get after I run mix phx.server:
Compiling 1 file (.ex) [info] Running ChatWeb.Endpoint with Cowboy using 14:09:40 - info: compiled 6 files into 2 files, copied 3 in 1.6 sec [warn] Ignoring unmatched topic "room:lobby" in ChatWeb.UserSocket [warn] Ignoring unmatched topic "room:lobby" in ChatWeb.UserSocket [info] JOIN "room:lobby" to ChatWeb.RoomChannel Transport: Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket (2.0.0) Serializer: Phoenix.Transports.V2.WebSocketSerializer Parameters: %{} [info] Replied room:lobby :ok [error] GenServer #PID<0.389.0> terminating ** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Ecto.Queryable not implemented for Message, the given module does not exist. This protocol is implemented for: Atom, BitString, Ecto.Query, Ecto.SubQuery, Tuple (ecto) lib/ecto/queryable.ex:37: Ecto.Queryable.Atom.to_query/1 (ecto) lib/ecto/repo/queryable.ex:34: Ecto.Repo.Queryable.all/4 (chat) lib/chat_web/channels/room_channel.ex:29: ChatWeb.RoomChannel.handle_info/2 (phoenix) lib/phoenix/channel/server.ex:258: Phoenix.Channel.Server.handle_info/2 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:616: :gen_server.try_dispatch/4 (stdlib) gen_server.erl:686: :gen_server.handle_msg/6 (stdlib) proc_lib.erl:247: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3 Last message: :after_join State: %Phoenix.Socket{assigns: %{}, channel: ChatWeb.RoomChannel, channel_pid: #PID<0.389.0>, endpoint: ChatWeb.Endpoint, handler: ChatWeb.UserSocket, id: nil, join_ref: "41", joined: true, private: %{log_handle_in: :debug, log_join: :info}, pubsub_server: Chat.PubSub, ref: nil, serializer: Phoenix.Transports.V2.WebSocketSerializer, topic: "room:lobby", transport: Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket, transport_name: :websocket, transport_pid: #PID<0.382.0>, vsn: "2.0.0"}
I'm new to Elixir/Phoenix, and I've searched around, but I can't find a solution to this error. Do you know what's going wrong here?
@abraidotti can you create a repo on GitHub and push up your code so we can run it on our side to help with debugging?
Git repo here: :)
Had the same problem.
That worked for me:
Use : def get_messages(limit \ 20) do Chat.Repo.all(Chat.Message, limit: limit) end
Instead of: def get_messages(limit \ 20) do Chat.Repo.all(Message, limit: limit) end
By the way, I love this tutorial, please continue providing such great tutorials, its the best source for beginners like me to learn and there are still not many tutorials that are in version 1.3, so this is extremely helpful!
Awesome! That worked! Thanks a lot.
@abraidotti glad you got it figured out.
From reading your /lib/chat/message.ex
you are missing the alias Chat.Message
Which should have been added to the message.ex
file by the "generator" when it was created ...
However, @AndreasBraun2015 is right and I actually prefer to do a "full path" reference to the table. 👍
Closing as OP's issue is resolved. ✅
Given that @comerc has opened a similar issue #10 it might be worth adding a section about this to the ... 🤔
Should no longer be an issue.