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✅ Pre-commit hooks for Elixir projects



This is a module for setting up pre-commit hooks on elixir projects. It's inspired by pre-commit on npm and pre_commit_hook for Elixir.

We wanted something which was configurable with your own mix commands and just in Elixir, so we created our own module. This module will only work with git versions 2.13 and above.

The first step will be to add this module to your mix.exs.

def deps do
  [{:pre_commit, "~> 0.3.4", only: :dev}]

Then run mix deps.get. When the module is installed it will either create or overwrite your current pre-commit file in your .git/hooks directory.

In your config file you will have to add in this line:

  config :pre_commit, commands: ["test"]

You can add any mix commands to the list, and these will run on commit, stopping the commit if they fail, or allowing the commit if they all pass.

You can also have pre-commit display the output of the commands you run by setting the :verbose option.

  config :pre_commit,
    commands: ["test"],
    verbose: true

You will have to compile your app before committing in order for the pre-commit to work.

As a note, this module will only work with scripts which exit with a code of 1 on error, and a code of 0 on success. Some commands always exit with a 0 (success), so just make sure the command uses the right format before putting it in your pre-commit.

We like adding credo and coveralls as well as test, to keep our code consistent and well covered!

There is a known issue with the fact that running the pre-commit will restore deleted files to the working tree.