ateam-proposal copied to clipboard
Q. Where does the work come from?
I've already asked you this but for others who may be wondering the same thing :)
@Neats29 that is a question that we failed to satisfactorily answer this year and which is one of the key factors that led to the current proposal. The README gives a pretty clear answer:
The work will come from "a commercial-focussed by @nelsonic and @iteles in the immediate term - which will...concentrate on finding and running development projects for F&C graduates."
My understanding is that the work will come from the efforts of @nelsonic and @iteles (or anyone they wish to employ for that purpose).
@Neats29 to re-cap the discussion we had verbally on Friday, we've had requests from people we have worked with previously so we know there is demand. We need to develop our "service offering" _if_ people decide they want us to go ahead with this idea. We will then send out a few messages with a link to a "what we can do for you" page on our website and make a few phone calls...
Finding work will not be that difficult, finding interesting/fulfilling work with great clients is going to be a fun challenge. :+1:
@Neats29 what organisation do you most admire?
@nelsonic I love eff, Privacy International, DuckDuckGo and Protonmail because of what they are doing for online privacy.
I also like Suma because they are a food cooperative and airbnb because they revolutionised a frustrating industry and seem to care about writing good code. I also recently came across 3D Repo which have an interesting product.
@Neats29 great list! Would you be up for helping others define the qualities they are seeking in an organisation where they would like to work?
@nelsonic sure, is there already a plan for doing this?
@Neats29 there's an idea but no plan has been formulated yet. The general gist is: we want to give people a simple way of identifying their personal _ethos_. The format is TBD.
"If you don't stand for something, you will fall for anything."
@nelsonic The way I normally know is, am I excited to apply to this company even if they have a long application form. Do they share at least one of the things I am passionate about.
@Neats29 what if there was a way to match you on more than one thing? What if you could answer a simple multiple-choice quiz that would tell you exactly which organisations match your beliefs/ethics...?
@nelsonic that's a great app idea actually! There will be a huge market for it, basically all of Millennials and more. But I guess you would have to match a very large directory of companies against a list of ethics...
@Neats29 this is one of the features we have planned for dwyl (helping people find work they will :heart: ) so... Yes, it will be a huge directory, but we hope that people will contribute wiki-style... more on that laters. :wink:
:heart: :sparkles: (I know this doesn't add much to the conversation, but I'm excited!)
That's really cool :+1: