@vkorukanti sorry for the slow response. According to DB blog [Processing Petabytes of data](https://databricks.com/blog/2018/07/31/processing-petabytes-of-data-in-seconds-with-databricks-delta.html), data skipping isn't 100% efficient and declines over each column in the z ordering. Of course,...
@algorithmdog good question. It would great to be able to use this on a Spark cluster. I hope someone answers or looks into this since it hasn't been looked at...
I just tried running the lightgbm model fit on Spark 3.1.1, Scala 2.12, and Python 3.8. I am getting ``` Traceback (most recent call last): (0 + 1) / 2]...
@ketanhdoshi do you know if there is a ticket on spark for this? If so, can you let me know which it is? I want to keep track of the...
for k in FLAGS.__dict__['__wrapped']: if k == 'use_gpu': if not FLAGS.__getattr__(k): config.cnn_format = 'NHWC' else: config.cnn_format = 'NCHW' if hasattr(config, k): setattr(config, k, FLAGS.__getattr__(k)) With this change, I didn't get...
@nkarpov do you have a link to so some sample data to use?
@raxu-wish I think I had to build it from scratch to get it to work. It has been awhile but I remember a working solution was found for my use...
I don't have collaborator access to the repo.
Also experience this with s3 where I am unable to read with ogr.