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flashrom serprog programmer based on STM32 MCU & USB CDC protocol. Uses libopencm3 and deprecates the old serprog-stm32vcp project.

Results 15 stm32-vserprog issues
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Hello. I tried to flash MT25QL512 chip with rp pico serprog from this git What is the problem? Same problem on xtw100 [log_pico_serprog_MT25QL512.txt](

Hi, I am trying to install this on my stm32-bluepill via a CJMCU-FT232H, but I just get "failed to init device". I am new to this and I am not...

Hello -- thanks for a great project! I just wanted to note for other readers searching the issues that this worked *fine* on my M1 Mac running MacOS 12.2.1 just...

I ghink the issue is that different chips are used xtw100 has stm32f103 xtw2 has gd32f103 chip. I have a XTW100 and one XTW2. Unlocked both via SWD and flashed...

The REVELPROG IS from is also based on an STM32. This firmware could be ported to it and possibly extended for more features. The PCB seems quite simple. :)...

花了10.8买了一个stm 的demo板 原理图:最小系统原理图.pdf 照片: 也不清楚这个stm32 F103C8T6的真假,反正我是看不出来。 1、编译使用: make BOARD=stm32-vserprog-v2 make BOARD=stm32-vserprog-v3 生成的固件简单测试都能读写,不知道那个更匹配我的的这个板 USB D+(PA12)因这个板上有3.3v的接线端子,所以我直接焊了一个1.5k的1/4瓦的电阻上去了。 2、led的问题,修改配置 boards/stm32-vserprog-v2.h / * org #define BOARD_RCC_LED RCC_GPIOA #define BOARD_PORT_LED GPIOA #define...

有人用STM32F103vct6 做了nand的编程器 我觉得两个项目合并起来难度应该不大(都用的是STM32F103系列的MCU),共用一个固件,这个项目将mcu升到STM32F103vct6,然后将代码移植下就好了。刷写spi 用flashrom程序,刷写nand 用nando的程序

非常不错,用10多元钱的stm32做了一个一次成功。 测试环境win7_x64+VirtualBox(ubuntu 18.04_64),使用USB xHCI模式。 为什么用xHCI 因为我测试过在其它项目中usb使用xHCI 模式比EHCI的通讯速度快不少。 测试芯片winbond 25Q32FVSIG (4MBye),下面的结果是多次测试取的平均值: 读:6.255秒 657KByte/s ,擦除 45.69s ,写50.10s 81.74KByte/s (以上测试用的20030331的固件). 1、在linux下的用的是flashrom1.2,自己静态编译的版本i386版本(我发现在ub 16.04下动态编译的版本在ub18.04下尽然不能用)就索性编译了一个i386的静态flashrom。下载地址: 同样stm32flash也编译了一个,下载地址: 2、windows 下也测试成功了,但是安装那个stm vcp费了点功夫,看了帖子 才解决了stm vcp安装后驱动出现感叹号的问题。 下载地址:缺少的文件.zip...

what value has c1 ?


On old project page ( it is said that "Support LPC / FWH flash via parallel programming. [WIP]" but that about stm32-vserprog? Does it support LPC/FWH at hte moment?