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Certain routes do not work

Open nikolayynayydenov opened this issue 5 years ago • 2 comments

I am using lumen framework and I noticed multiple word named routes do not work with this package.

<a href="{{route('article.create')}}" class="{{active(['article.create'], 'active')}}">
    New Article
$router->get('/article/create', [
    'as' => 'article.create',
    'uses' => 'ArticleController@create'

When I invoke is_active('article.create') in ArticleController@create it returns false. If I change the route to just "/article" and change the name from "article.create" to "article", it works.

The same problem occurs on "/".

nikolayynayydenov avatar Aug 09 '18 22:08 nikolayynayydenov

Thanks for reporting this. Just to clarify, you have a route named article.create and is_active won’t recognise it? If you could describe the exact problem you are seeing on ‘/‘ too.

Lumen uses a different router to Laravel but I would have through the route matching worked the same. Once I have your two broken examples I’ll try find out what is going on.

dwightwatson avatar Aug 09 '18 22:08 dwightwatson

Yes article.create does not seem to get recognized by is_active (it returns false).

As for "/":

<li><a href="{{route('home')}}" class="{{active(['home'], 'active')}}">Home</a></li>

$router->get('/', [
    'as' => 'home',
    'uses' => 'HomePageController@index'

I named it "home" and the route works (pages switch on click) but is_active() returns false. The same happens when I change the name of the route to an empty string ""

<li><a href="{{route('')}}" class="{{active([''], 'active')}}">Home</a></li>

$router->get('/', [
    'as' => '',
    'uses' => 'HomePageController@index'

Single word routes work though. For example a route /foo named "foo" works perfectly

nikolayynayydenov avatar Aug 13 '18 19:08 nikolayynayydenov