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Code Examples
Hi There,
Just watched your RailsConf presentation - would be great to see the code examples you mentioned and worked through in the talk. Great talk and work.
I agree! One of the main challenges I see when implementing these types of patterns in a Rails app is that there is not enough real-world examples out there. So what you end up with is simple, contrived examples that don't drive the point across, or prominent figures like Uncle bob telling us how to do things, but not showing us!
I've been watching this repo since RailsConf for some of the promised examples too.
There was workshop on Thursday afternoon that was in the same vein: ahawkins/applications-first-frameworks-second
I guess I should be watching this repository so I see these things as they come in! I'll discuss with @dwhelan and we'll figure out a plan to share the examples with you.
Great talk! By the way how does your approach compare to the one Jim Weirich demonstrated in this talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tg5RFeSfBM4 ?
How's your repository different from his? I kinda get what Jim did with the repository but I'm not totally sure how the repository in this talk worked.
Thanks for putting together a really great talk! I really enjoyed it.
I'm eager to take a deeper look at the examples you showed. What's the status on sharing those?
If there's anything I can do to help, let me know. Thanks!
Glad you enjoyed the talk @wolfpakz! I have started a samples repository but sadly have not had as much time to work on it as I would like. I'd like to provide people with a function rails application that works with the examples. That said, you can see it in it's current state here: https://github.com/ericroberts/hex-ddd-examples
Hopefully over the next few weeks I can find some more time to finish up the form example and add some others.
@depy I am not as familiar with the repositories as @dwhelan. I know he is very busy at the moment, but hopefully he can stop by and answer your question sometime.
@depy, the way I see it (and @ericroberts please correct me if I'm wrong), Jim's Cincy.rb refactoring was mainly aimed at isolating the domain logic from direct knowledge of Rails per se; DDD as I understand it says "let's take a more fundamental re-look at architecture, starting with enforced separation of layers such that any layer outside the domain-logic core (and any layers outside of that) can be tossed and reimplemented differently (e.g., Rails to RubyMotion) without touching anything inside the trashed layer." People have been talking about "software architecture as building blocks" for at least the last 40 years, but DDD appears to be one of the most self-consistent presentations of it I've seen yet.