Is there no solution to this? This is a great program, it's too bad they are letting it die by not addressing this issue.
So does the hover in Holoviews work with datashader then? If I make the rectangle small enough, will the numbers adjust as you zoom in as the pixels are updated?
I installed the latest releases per your recommendation and tried to run the holoviews_datashader notebook, but it throws the following error. I think it errors on datashade() decimate(points) + datashade(points)...
I'll give that a try, but I ran into a problem with Conda. Thinking that I might need to revert back to a previous revision after installing the dev version...
I got my environment back up and running and I was able to run through the holoviews_datashader example notebook, but I don't follow how to make this work with my...
Looking at datashade under holoviews which might work better for what I want to do, but now I'm not certain how to accomplish some of the conditional colorization like you...
Yes, that was helpful. I appreciate your time. Thanks.
string.est = "Estimate" does not work. Logit model still shows Log-Odds.
I updated the sjPlot package this morning, but no change for the table heading. It still shows Log-Odds. Here is what I am calling: tab_model(mylogit, show.est=TRUE, string.est = "Estimate",transform =...
I updated from CRAN.