Daniel Werdermann
Daniel Werdermann
We can implement a workaround like a cron, which deletes the files every 5 min, when they are older then a few minutes. But how do we know if that...
They were created with the 8.2001.0 version. We did it on fresh installed mashines
We will try to explicite enable it. And then all the files should be deleted or do we need already existing files.
Hello @jvymazal . We tried it with the kill Hup `systemctl kill -s HUP rsyslog.service`. The /var/lib/rsyslog/ dir was cleand and empty. We still see that files are created and...
Is this module stil maintained? Looks like its abandoned.
Hi @robinbowes , i already use the module of yo61. But its srange that this module is stil the "puppetlabs approved" module. Even if there are no new realeases.