Derek Wene
Derek Wene
> @dwene when you say that you run the query against both schemes and that the results are different what is your process to test that at the moment Sorry...
Yep! Thanks y'all!
Hmmm, our issue was that free orders weren't skipping the payment process when completing the cart. When I added that line using the medusa extender, it solved our issue. What...
Or are you just saying there's an issue with the unit tests?
Aha, found the issue and fixed.
You cant fetch a cart with `line_items.adjustments`, insert the adjustments manually, and then save the cart without setting those adjustments on the line items. TypeORM gets confused.
At some point, it would be good to pick one pattern or another. Either update all the entites off `cart` in memory, or update them using their individual repositories, not...