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Add group and membership functionality to your Rails models

Results 25 groupify issues
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This has turned into an extensive refactor to improve STI/polymorphism. It also attempts to DRY up some aspects of the code. - Drops Rails 4.0 and 4.1 support - Adds...


Hi, I am using the groupify gem. And encountered some errors when I would like to use named_groups. I have tried the following solution. I am using rails 5.1

[30] pry(main)> **g.members.count** (0.7ms) SELECT DISTINCT COUNT(DISTINCT "users"."id") FROM "users" INNER JOIN "group_memberships" ON "users"."id" = "group_memberships"."member_id" WHERE "group_memberships"."group_id" = $1 AND "group_memberships"."group_type" = $2 AND "group_memberships"."member_type" = $3 [["group_id",...

bug `exists?` is more suitable to check if a given record already exists en the database, compared to `Array#include?`, which loads all records in the relation and loops over it

Hi David @dwbutler! Thanks for creating what seems to be a really fantastic gem! I'm working as a volunteer coder with a not-for-profit now called Break Diving, and we are...


Hi Again David, @dwbutler Thanks again for your time. 1. To make custom groups, do we simply type: `group =`? In other words, to create the math group, we'd...


Hi, Is it possible to nest groups inside groups? Thanks


After doing user = User.first user.named_groups


When i do knowing that I changed the group_membership to organization_membership in the initializer I got User Load (1.0ms) SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` INNER JOIN `organization_memberships` ON `organization_memberships`.`member_id` =...
