Webb Brown
Webb Brown
@alexec saw this was meeting was canceled on the argo side. know if that was intentional? Update: looks like it was scheduled on a holiday! Will rebook :)
@alexec draft outline available here! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JmvkyJe0iJ8TFGX3fT5kP_S6jB_CJ6u_yn9H0YH03So/edit
Strong +1, there's a couple structural changes that we will want to make here. This will bring this API to be more consistent with our other savings APIs. Let us...
@kishore0709 were you able to solve your permissions issue? If not you can run Kubecost without PVs if you are just trialing. You can see storageClass for kubecost PV here:...
Followed up in https://github.com/kubecost/docs/issues/77
Thanks for submitting, @kirbsauce! Can you share more about why this would be valuable? cc @Sean-Holcomb and @AjayTripathy for further input
I like this suggestion! @kirbsauce any feedback?
Based on my understanding of these requirements, is that a combinations of 1) advanced reporting and 2) CUR views would help address but let me know if that's overlooking a...
Proud to report that the OpenCost project has been approved by the CNCF TOC and we are now going through onboarding!
cc @nealormsbee @teevans @AjayTripathy @fedordikarev thanks for reporting. we did make some changes with our nginx config in 1.95.0. rolling back to 1.94.3 should give an immediate fix for you...