Webb Brown
Webb Brown
That'd be my vote, unless there's a major critical blocker/issue.
@mbolt35 would you have time to help merge while on support? maintainer approval may be needed now.
This was previously supported. Regression?
Would it be more appropriate to support a blended cost measurement? In most cases, I've seen someone should received the discount from RIs.
@AjayTripathy would you be able to comment? I know you have a lot of expertise + wrote some documentation.
@pierluigilenoci you're right that this isn't self-serve today. You can email [email protected] if you'd like to have yourself manually resubscribed. We'd be happy to help. @AjayTripathy was going to investigate...
Sounds good, @pierluigilenoci. Totally understand the need. Just let us know you do need manual help in the short-term, while @AjayTripathy investigates!
We've not had a single request since yours @pierluigilenoci. Still low priority for now.
Can you share what you view as the issues with the current implementation and why it need to be revisited?
@MattJeanes great feedback. Definitely see your point. I wonder if we'll ever be able to perfectly predict all scenarios where OS/taints/tolerations, etc. may impact schedulability. Our simulator takes certain cases...