Webb Brown
Webb Brown
If we have historic usage on a workload, then we can already have an opinion on what it should cost as part of right-sizing. Is that that helpful? Let me...
Thanks for reporting, have a particular situation in mind? This can already be done in the backing APIs in case that helps anyone's immediate need. I see the obvious desire...
Hoping to have this reviewed in next release! I think it fits nicely with the work being done there.
Hi @pierluigilenoci looking forward to exploring this! @SheepGotoHeaven @AjayTripathy would this be a good candidate for new global filters? https://github.com/kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart/pull/862 @pierluigilenoci just curious, have you looked at the new option...
That AWS link + embedded references are the only resource I've ever seen actually... The last section here _may_ be useful? https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cur/latest/userguide/what-is-cur.html
A number of users are doing this with either athena views or filtered saved reports. @BrewToR would either meet your needs? cc @AjayTripathy while I'm out on vacation
Love this idea! Have a sense for where you'd want to see this information in the kubecost UI? Also, looks like they currently just have 2020 data in machine format....
Looks like AWS is just launching an initiative here! I haven't closely investigated yet though. https://www.zdnet.com/article/this-new-aws-tool-shows-customers-the-carbon-footprint-of-their-cloud-computing-usage/
We've discussed several times at a high-level, but I'm supportive of digging into more of the detail! For reference, here are the billing nuances: ``` You pay for all bandwidth...
@shaikatz, can you share the following and we can investigate with you: * What kubecost version / install path are you using? * What regions/zones is your cluster in? Note:...