demos copied to clipboard
WARNING: This repo is obsolete. For D-Wave Ocean code examples, go to the `dwave-examples` GitHub account.
**Description** Move CicleCI tests within submodules.
**Description** Matplotlib backend is not explicitly called out when running map-coloring. Hence the following error may appear: ``` import _tkinter # If this fails your Python may not be configured...
**Application** the functions in Sudoku and the demo itself should run unittests
Add the Ising formulation for the graph partitioning problem to the demo. Could also include a separate code file to run Ising formulation versus QUBO formulation.
Add the Ising formulation for the max cut problem to the demo. Could also include a separate code file to run Ising formulation versus QUBO formulation.
Structural imbalance demo does not conform to demo requirements. On a cosmetic level, that's PEP-8 compliance, but the whole demo should probably be cleaned up and refactored.
**Application** Some thought needs to be put into how to convey inputs/outputs of a demo to the user. I got feedback that demos README.rst should display the input/output of a...
Any aobvious alternate use cases that could be added as a blurb at the end? eg windmill or solar panel placement, etc
I believe this relates to our Leap factoring demo; it might be helpful to point the user to this.
**Application** Some repo tests are being ignored by CircleCI (because they take a long time to run or the code will be refactored soon). Make CircleCI run these tests again