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Request: Ability to move Song and artist metadata panel

Open ScottBeeson opened this issue 3 years ago • 13 comments

I would love to be able to move the artist/song panel.

ScottBeeson avatar Mar 11 '21 13:03 ScottBeeson

This is probably a wontfix but I'll leave it open to gauge interest.

dvx avatar Apr 15 '21 20:04 dvx

Not sure I personally need free movement, but being able to choose to put it on any of the other cardinal directions would be nice!

arknano avatar May 14 '21 10:05 arknano

I actually came to see if anyone had recommended this before, but I'd love see placement to the bottom or the other directions as well

Piincakes avatar Jun 07 '21 01:06 Piincakes

+1 for this

viethuynh01 avatar Aug 07 '21 23:08 viethuynh01

Came just to find this recommendation!! I want to have it all the way up in the right corner, but the song info means that I wouldn't be able to click on all of my tabs. Would love to be able to put the text at the bottom!

jyeehaw avatar Aug 21 '21 15:08 jyeehaw

+1 I would like the possibility to change the position of the frame "song and artist metadata" it's actually on the right side of lofi and i need to move away things if i want to see it. I would prefer to have it down below the lofi cover.

FitzcairnHS avatar Oct 29 '21 15:10 FitzcairnHS

Bump ! :p

FitzcairnHS avatar Jan 13 '22 12:01 FitzcairnHS

Please :)

FitzcairnHS avatar Mar 05 '22 18:03 FitzcairnHS

I too came here to just search for this. I have the player in the lower right corner of my screen and all other windows as far right as possible next to the player. If I could move the titles to above the player they would not get hidden behind other windows.

tomasrudh avatar May 20 '22 20:05 tomasrudh

+1 for this feature

sonikun avatar Jul 28 '22 12:07 sonikun

+1 to this feature request as well

vancejc avatar Aug 28 '22 20:08 vancejc

+1 I also would like this feature

dalaverd avatar Mar 21 '23 19:03 dalaverd

+1 for this

dhighet avatar Jun 03 '23 22:06 dhighet