hstr copied to clipboard
Does hstr support unicode?
I am from China, I find that when I type chinese, it will become something strange.
For example:
echo 中文
press Ctrl + r
, it become:
echo 中惶<ffffffff><ffffffff>
Let me do some experiments with Chinese - my language is čeština and it works nicely, however, it might be that I/you may need to use a different library. I use ncursesw (note w), but there is a fallback (to ncurses) in case that wide version cannot be found in your system - check https://github.com/dvorka/hstr/blob/master/configure.ac
Can you please check that ncursesw is installed in your system (for instance using dpkg -l | grep ncursesw
我也遇到了这个问题,瞅着乱糟糟的中文挺别扭。 我排查了一下,是因为zshell 写.zsh_history文件时,没有采用标准的utf8,写入和读出时对一些字符做了处理。而在hstr中直接按utf8读文件,这样读到的原始内容就有问题。(你如果使用编辑器直接在history文件中添加中文,那么在hstr中就是正确的。同样在bash 中是没有问题的)
1.网上有处理zsh_history特殊格式的代码片段,但我测试了并没有用。 2.针对zsh在.zshrc中设置LANG为UTF-8是不起作用的。 3.然后看了zsh的源码,发现有点乱,看不下去,希望有人接力。。。
Sorry for this Non-English content, trans is too hard for me.
Fixed by 04cee3c - will be released w/ 2.4.0