Didier Vojtisek
Didier Vojtisek
In the current version of the studio the ActivityDiagram example cannot be installed: Should be disabled in UI until fixed (cf. https://github.com/eclipse/gemoc-studio/issues/120)
The current discovery (ie. install additional GEMOC component button) use a single xmi file This does not take into account the fact that the provided components are compatible or not...
The build is rather long (mainly due to dependency resolution and downloading) According to https://wiki.eclipse.org/Tycho/Target_Platform using target platform should speed up the build. We should try to try to define...
the current documentation jar is quite big with about 36MB It seems to contain files that should not be there (images/images/poster.pdf 6.2MB images/images/Tesis.odp 7.5MB) May be some content from these...
Hi I 'm thinking about a way to improve how the examples are presented to the users: currently, we have the following: - 1 deployer plugin(language), that must be used...
the documentation about using ccsljava (aka. moccml) is currently in https://github.com/eclipse/gemoc-studio/tree/master/docs/org.eclipse.gemoc.studio.externaltools.doc/src/main/asciidoc/ccsljavaxdsml Ie. _external_ because the engine wasn' integrated in the studio when the project moved to eclipse organization. As the...
I discovered that Eclipse infra offers a cache for maven central Enabling its use in our pipeline may speed up a little bit our build. See https://www.eclipse.org/lists/cbi-dev/msg02056.html and https://wiki.eclipse.org/Jenkins#How_do_I_use_the_local_Nexus_server_as_proxy_for_Maven_Central_.28artifact_caching.29.3F
The various tutorials referenced on http://gemoc.org/tutorial.html (or other places in the documentation) have not been updated with the latest version of the studio (neither for the last stable nor for...
In order to automate some scenarios (server side execution for example) It would be useful to have a version of the studio that allows relatively simple deployment and where the...
Exposing the execution state of a model in a generic fashion similarly to the trace has several benefits: - avoids the need to have a merged static+dynamic ecore metamodel, and...