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Dual recording
Record the data of two connected sources of power.
- In a single .fit file with a custom developer field for the second power source
- In two .fit files one for each source
- Why stop at 2 sensors, maybe someone would like to record at ones a whole set of power meters + a trainer. That could be up to 5 different sources of power.
Does .fit file natively support multiple power source records?
In practice, not really, in theory, kinda.
Each record in the .fit file needs a definition record that describes what fields are in the record and in what order. The .fit SDK comes with a vast set of predefined fields and record definitions, but also allows for custom developer defined fields and records. Multiple power fields can be added to one record but most apps (like Strava), will understand only those that are in the predefined set and ignore the custom ones. So that's the trade off.
Understand. Thanks for the information.
- In a single .fit file with a custom developer field for the second power source
This is a good idea. But it will depend on the WEbSite if they're able to actually parse and display them. RunAnalyze? intervals.icu? Garmin Connect?
Interesting nevertheless