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Official PyTorch implementation of GoMatch -- "Is Geometry Enough for Matching in Visual Localization" [ECCV2022]
GoMatch: A Geometric-Only Matcher for Visual Localization
Authors: Qunjie Zhou* @GrumpyZhou, Sérgio Agostinho* @SergioRAgostinho, Aljosa Osep and Laura Leal-Taixé. (* equal contribution)
This repository contains the Pytorch implementation of our paper accepted at ECCV22: Is Geometry Enough for Matching in Visual Localization? [Paper] [Video] [Poster].
Table of Contents
- Installing GoMatch
- Uninstalling GoMatch
- Data Preparation
- Evaluation
- Training
Installing GoMatch
We rely on conda and pip for installing our package.
conda create -n gomatch python=3.7
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
pip install . --find-links https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.7.1+cu102.html
We also exported our conda environment in conda_env_reproduce.yml.
The codebase is organized in a way that all code we considered that could be useful to other projects is bundled inside the gomatch
top level directory. Whenever we mention installation, we are referring to the installation of this folder alongside the other packages in your python environment. The package includes the network architectures we tested, losses, metrics and the data loaders we used. It does NOT include the training and evaluation script. Those are not installed and need to be executed from the root folder of this project.
Once PyTorch is installed through conda, to install GoMatch, simply navigate to its root folder in your terminal and type
pip install . --find-links https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.7.1+cu102.html
This will pull all dependencies and install GoMatch's package with its models so that you can easily use them in your project.
To install all required dependencies to also run training scripts and other tools, invoke
pip install ".[full]" --find-links https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.7.1+cu102.html
Uninstalling GoMatch
Type in your terminal
pip uninstall gomatch
If you see the following error message
Can't uninstall 'gomatch'. No files were found to uninstall.
Just call the command outside the root folder of the project.
Data Preparation
Data preparation steps for training and evaluation are described in tools/README.md. Make sure you check this out and follow the instructions before you tryout the training and evaluation.
Pretained model
The pretrained models can be manually downloaded from this url or google drive. To download from Gdrive from command line:
# Install gdown first
gdown 1-J4SEBL6tBu3OpSSpW7qi_VA6LVcK98q
The zip file contains the following three models:
- BPnPNet.ckpt: our re-trained BPnPNet in our environment.
- GoMatchBVs_best.ckpt: our best GoMatch model using bearing vectors.
- GoMatchCoords_best.ckpt: our best GoMatch architecture trained using 3D coordinates.
Comments: In our code examples, we stored the pretrained models under outputs/shared_outputs/release_models/exported_models. Make sure you update the directory accordingly before you execute them.
Example notebook
To evalute a pretrained model on various localization benchmarks, we present code examples in notebooks/eval_examples.ipynb.
You can also exeucte evaluation from command line, use the following commands. We use configs/datasets.yml to set dataset paths.
# Define ckpt path of our best model GoMatchBVs
# Eval On Megadepth
python -m gomatch_eval.benchmark --root . --ckpt $gomatchbvs \
--splits 'test' \
--odir 'outputs/benchmark_cache_release' \
--dataset 'megadepth' --covis_k_nums 10 \
--p2d_type 'sift'
# Eval On Cambridge Landmarks
python -m gomatch_eval.benchmark --root . --ckpt $gomatchbvs \
--splits 'kings' 'old' 'shop' 'stmarys' \
--odir 'outputs/benchmark_cache_release' \
--dataset 'cambridge_sift' --covis_k_nums 10 \
--p2d_type 'sift'
# Eval On 7 Scenes
python -m gomatch_eval.benchmark --root . --ckpt $gomatchbvs \
--splits 'chess' 'fire' 'heads' 'office' 'pumpkin' 'redkitchen' 'stairs' \
--odir 'outputs/benchmark_cache_release' \
--dataset '7scenes_superpoint_v2' --covis_k_nums 10 \
--p2d_type 'superpoint'
To evaluate the visual descriptor matching baselines, specify '--vismatch' as below:
# Eval on Cambridge Landmarks
python -m gomatch_eval.benchmark --root . --vismatch \
--splits 'kings' 'old' 'shop' 'stmarys' \
--odir 'outputs/benchmark_cache_release' \
--dataset 'cambridge_sift' --covis_k_nums 10 \
--p2d_type 'sift'
# Eval On 7 Scenes
python -m gomatch_eval.benchmark --root . --vismatch \
--splits 'chess' 'fire' 'heads' 'office' 'pumpkin' 'redkitchen' 'stairs' \
--odir 'outputs/benchmark_cache_release' \
--dataset '7scenes_superpoint_v2' --covis_k_nums 10 \
--p2d_type 'superpoint'
We train GoMatch (i.e., our best model GoMatchBVs) on a single 48GB Nvidia rtx_8000 GPU with the following command:
python -m gomatch_train.train_matcher --gpus 0 --batch 16 -lr 0.001 \
--max_epochs 50 --matcher_class 'OTMatcherCls' --share_kp2d_enc \
--dataset 'megadepth' --train_split 'train' --val_split 'val' \
--outlier_rate 0.5 0.5 --topk 1 --npts 100 1024 \
--p2d_type 'sift' --p3d_type 'bvs' \
--inls2d_thres 0.001 --rpthres 0.01 --prefix 'gomatchbvs' \
-o 'outputs/eccv22' --num_workers 4
We train BPnPNet baseline on a single 12GB Nvidia titan x GPU with the following command:
python -m gomatch_train.train_matcher --gpus 0 --batch 64 -lr 0.001 \
--max_epochs 50 --matcher_class 'BPnPMatcher' \
--dataset 'megadepth' --train_split 'train' --val_split 'val' \
--outlier_rate 0.0 0.0 --topk 5 --npts 100 1024 \
--p2d_type 'sift' --p3d_type 'coords' \
--inls2d_thres 0.001 --rpthres 0.01 --prefix 'bpnpnet' \
-o 'outputs/eccv22' --num_workers 4