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Official PyTorch implementation of Unifying Short and Long-Term Tracking with Graph Hierarchies (CVPR 2023)

Unifying Short and Long-Term Tracking with Graph Hierarchies :sushi:

Official repository of our CVPR 2023 paper

Unifying Short and Long-Term Tracking with Graph Hierarchies

Orcun Cetintas*, Guillem Brasó*, Laura Leal-Taixe


Tracking objects over long videos effectively means solving a spectrum of problems, from short-term association for un-occluded objects to long-term association for objects that are occluded and then reappear in the scene. Methods tackling these two tasks are often disjoint and crafted for specific scenarios, and top-performing approaches are often a mix of techniques, which yields engineering-heavy solutions that lack generality. In this work, we question the need for hybrid approaches and introduce SUSHI, a unified and scalable multi-object tracker. Our approach processes long clips by splitting them into a hierarchy of subclips, which enables high scalability. We leverage graph neural networks to process all levels of the hierarchy, which makes our model unified across temporal scales and highly general. As a result, we obtain significant improvements over state-of-the-art on four diverse datasets.


MOTChallenge - Test Set

MOT17 - Public 71.5 54.6 62.0 1041
MOT17 - Private 83.1 66.5 81.1 1149
MOT20 - Public 71.6 55.4 61.6 1053
MOT20 - Private 79.8 64.3 74.3 706

DanceTrack - Test Set

Dataset IDF1 HOTA MOTA AssA DetA
DanceTrack 63.4 63.3 88.7 50.1 80.1

BDD - Test Set

Dataset mIDF1 mMOTA IDF1 MOTA ID Sw.
BDD 60.0 40.2 76.2 69.2 13626


  1. Clone and enter this repository

    git clone
    cd SUSHI
  2. Create an Anaconda environment for this project:

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate SUSHI
  3. Clone fast-reid (latest version should be compatible but we use this version) and install its dependencies. The fast-reid repo should be inside SUSHI root:

    ├── src
    ├── fast-reid
    └── ...
  4. Download re-identification model we use from fast-reid and move it inside SUSHI/fastreid-models/model_weights/

  5. Download MOT17, MOT20 and DanceTrack datasets. In addition, prepare seqmaps to run evaluation (for details see TrackEval). We provide an example seqmap. Overall, the expected folder structure is:

    ├── DanceTrack
    │   └── ...
    ├── MOT20
    │   └── ...
    └── MOT17
        └── seqmaps
        │    ├── seqmap_file_name_matching_split_name.txt
        │    └── ...
        └── train
        │    ├── MOT17-02
        │    │   ├── det
        │    │   │   └── det.txt
        │    │   └── gt
        │    │   │   └── gt.txt
        │    │   └── img1 
        │    │   │   └── ...
        │    │   └── seqinfo.ini
        │    └── ...
        └── test
             └── ...
  6. (OPTIONAL) Download our detections and pretrained models and arrange them according to the expected file structure (See step 5).


You can launch a training from the command line. An example command for MOT17 training:



python scripts/ --experiment_mode train --cuda --train_splits mot17-train-all --val_splits mot17-train-all --run_id ${RUN}_${REID_ARCH} --interpolate_motion --linear_center_only --det_file byte065 --data_path ${DATA_PATH} --reid_embeddings_dir reid_${REID_ARCH} --node_embeddings_dir node_${REID_ARCH} --zero_nodes --reid_arch $REID_ARCH --edge_level_embed --save_cp

You can find specific commands and configurations here.


You can test a trained model from the command line. An example for testing on MOT17 training set:



python scripts/ --experiment_mode test --cuda --test_splits mot17-train-all --run_id ${RUN}_${REID_ARCH} --interpolate_motion --linear_center_only --det_file byte065 --data_path ${DATA_PATH} --reid_embeddings_dir reid_${REID_ARCH} --node_embeddings_dir node_${REID_ARCH} --zero_nodes --reid_arch $REID_ARCH --edge_level_embed --save_cp --hicl_model_path ${PRETRAINED_MODEL_PATH}

Launching this experiment with our MOT17 Private model should result in: 90.826 IDF1, 80.884 HOTA and 91.953 MOTA.

You can find specific commands and configurations here.


If you use our work in your research, please cite our publication:

    author    = {Cetintas, Orcun and Bras\'o, Guillem and Leal-Taix\'e, Laura},
    title     = {Unifying Short and Long-Term Tracking With Graph Hierarchies},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2023},
    pages     = {22877-22887}


We use the codebase of TrackEval for evaluation. We thank the authors for their great work!