cljs-styled-components copied to clipboard
ClojureScript wrapper for styled-components
I made a similar library to this one built on top of emotion instead of styled-components.
Emotion allows passing functions as children when defining styles and has built-in server-side rendering support.
A ClojureScript interface to the styled-components library.
The main interface of styled-components' template strings is replaced by ClojureScript maps.
It's mostly a lightweight transformation from ClojureScript maps to the form that a template literal gets invoked with.
This library will require "styled-components" from node_modules.
You can install it like so:
yarn add styled-components
# or
npm i styled-components
Then specify this library as a dependency using lein, boot, deps:
Add the dependency to your namespace form:
;; Plain React elements (e.g. used in fulcro):
[cljs-styled-components.core :refer [defstyled defkeyframes theme-provider clj-props set-default-theme!]]
;; For reagent support:
[cljs-styled-components.reagent :refer [defstyled defkeyframes theme-provider clj-props set-default-theme!]]
Here is a very simple usage:
(defstyled row-container
:div {:display "flex"})
Which is functionally equivalent to the JS:
const RowContainer = styled.div`
display: flex;
const rowContainer = (props, children) => React.createElement(RowContainer, props, children)
The first argument is the Var name that will be created, the second argument can be one of:
a keyword will be invoked on the
object(defstyled example1 :p {:color "blue"})
a styled component - as constructed with
(defstyled example2 example1 {:border "1px solid"})
any react component, which will invoke styled on the component
(defn my-component [props] (dom/div {:className (goog.object/get props "className")} (goog.object/get props "children"))) (defstyled example2 my-component {:border "1px solid"}).
as described here:
The third argument must be a ClojureScript map or a ClojureScript vector, this is computed at runtime so you can construct this map/vector any way you like.
A more featureful example:
(defstyled number-cell-styled
(clj-props (fn [{:keys [selected? answered? answered-correctly? background-color]}]
background-color background-color
selected? "darkGrey"
(and answered? answered-correctly?) "green"
(and answered? (not answered-correctly?)) "red"
:else "hsl(37, 67%, 99%)")))
:font-family "patua"
:color #(goog.object/getValueByKeys % "theme" "textColor")
:padding "0"
:height cell-size-px
:width cell-size-px
:min-width cell-size-px
:font-size (str (/ cell-size 2) "px")
:display "flex"
:justify-content "center"
:align-items "center"
"@media (max-width: 700px)"
{:height sm-cell-size-px
:min-width sm-cell-size-px
:width sm-cell-size-px}})
(set-default-theme! number-cell-styled #js {:textColor "red"})
Nested selectors are supported as shown in this example with media queries.
Any property value that is a function will get passed the props that the component was rendered with.
The props will be a JavaScript object, to make the code more cljs friendly the following custom is used:
;; At render time any data under the `:clj` key will remain as ClojureScript
;; data structures.
(example {:clj {:round? true}})
;; Then pull them out with the helper `clj-props`
(defstyled example :div
{:color "red"
:border "1px solid blue"
:border-radius (clj-props #(if (:round? %) "10px" "0px"))})
The top level map will converted to a JS object with (clj->js)
(the :clj
key is dissoc'ed first).
Example using JS data structures:
(defstyled example2 :div
{:color #(goog.object/get % "color")})
;; render time:
(example2 {:color "blue"})
Theme support
This is essentially the unmodified theme code that styled-components uses, so everything must be in JS data.
(defstyled theme-user :div
{:color #(goog.object/getValueByKeys % "theme" "textColor")})
(def theme
#js {:textColor "purple"})
;; fulcro
(theme-provider #js {:theme theme}
(theme-user "hello")))
;; reagent
[theme-provider #js {:theme theme}
[theme-user "hello"]]]
As of Styled components V4:
Keyframes is now implemented in a "lazy" manner: its styles will be injected with the render phase of components using them.
keyframes no longer returns an animation name, instead it returns an object which has method .getName() for the purpose of getting the animation name.
The current strategy to deal with this change is to have defkeyframes
a function that delegates to css
for you. (see:
An example:
[cljs-styled-components.core :refer [clj-props] :refer-macros [defstyled defkeyframes]])
"from { transform: rotate(0deg);}
to { transform: rotate(360deg); }")
;; `spin` will be a function that delegates to the styled components css helper
;; as described here:
(defstyled rotate-text :span
{:animation (spin "2s linear infinite")
:display "inline-block"
:font-size "20px"})
;; Then just render like any component.
(defn animation [txt]
(rotate-text txt))
;; An example reading data from props:
(defstyled rotate-text2
{:animation (clj-props (fn [a] (spin (str (:time a) "s linear infinite"))))
:display "inline-block"
:font-size "20px"})
(defn animation2 [txt]
(rotate-text2 {:clj {:time 10}} txt))
Style Mixins
The styles are just maps so you can use whatever code you want to combine them together:
(def row
{:display "flex"
:justify-content "space-between"})
(defstyled my-list :div
{:background "blue"}))
As a convenience you can also pass a vector of maps which will be merged for you:
(defstyled example-12 :div
[{:background "red"}
{:font-size "20px"}])
Passing JavaScript objects is also supported, as well as in nested positions:
(defstyled example-11 :div
[(position "relative" "20px")
{:background "green"
:opacity 1
":hover" [(transitions "opacity 1s ease-in 0s")
{:background "blue"
:opacity .5}]}])
JS Objects
This library plays well with "mixins" such as polished
yarn add polished
Support for nested objects of properties is included, for example, many of the mixins in polished ( have this shape:
const div = styled.div`
backgroundImage: url(logo.png);
In cljs we need a map to have an even number of forms so support for this is
added by putting the mixins under the keyword: :styled/mixins
Here's an example:
(defstyled mixme :section
{:background-color "lightblue"
:opacity 1
:font-size (em "16px")
[(position "absolute" "-22px" "5px" "5px" "4px")
(transitions "opacity 0.5s ease-in 0s")
(size "40px" "300px")
(borderStyle "solid" "dashed" "dotted" "double")]
":hover" {:opacity 0.5}})
(defn mixins []
(dom/div {:style {:position "relative"}}
(mixme " hi ")))
If you only need one mixin, you can just include it and do not need to embed in a vector:
(defstyled :div
{:background-image: "url(logo.png)"
:sytled/mixins (hideText)})
The library will merge JS objects and CLJS maps for you if you pass a vector like so:
(defstyled my-component :div
[(position "absolute" "-22px" "5px" "5px" "4px")
{:color "blue"}])
(defstyled sample :section
[(position "absolute" "-22px" "5px" "5px" "4px")
(transitions "opacity 0.5s ease-in 0s")
(size "40px" "300px")
(borderStyle "solid" "dashed" "dotted" "double")
{:background-color "lightblue"
:opacity 1
:font-size (em "16px")
":hover" {:opacity 0.5}}])
So either of the these forms work for including style mixin objects.
Global styles
You can use the macro defglobalstyle
which takes the same arguments as defstyled except for the "type" of element
as there is none, and delegates to createGlobalStyle
of styled-components.
;; require the macro:
(:require [cljs-styled-components.core :refer-macros [defglobalstyle]])
(:require [cljs-styled-components.reagent :refer-macros [defglobalstyle]])
{".my-global-class" {:background "palevioletred"
:border "2px dashed"
:border-radius (clj-props #(if (:round %) "8px") "0")}})
;; reagent
(defn my-component []
[my-global-styles {:clj {:round true}}]
"This inserts global styles"])
;; fulcro
(dom/div {:className "my-global-class"}
"This inserts global styles")
Props macro helper
You can use the sprops
macro to clean up accessing props.
[cljs-styled-components.core :refer-macros [defstyled sprops]]
;; or:
[cljs-styled-components.reagent :refer-macros [defstyled sprops]]
(defstyled use-props-macro :div
{:border-radius (sprops [round?] (if round? "4px" 0))})
;; expands to:
(defstyled use-props-macro :div
{:border-radius (clj-props (fn [{:keys [round?]}] (if round? "4px" 0)))})
(dom/div {:clj {:round? true}} "use props")
[:div {:clj {:round? true}} "use props"]
Implementation notes
In JS:
const aVar = 'good';
// These are equivalent:
fn`this is a ${aVar} day`;
fn([ 'this is a ', ' day' ], aVar);
So you could use styled components from ClojureScript directly by using the second form, but this library is an experiment in making it a bit nicer to work with from ClojureScript.
You can read more about template literals here:
and here:
Right now all dev is done in dev cards.
yarn start
Browse to:
Run tests
# Optional but starts shadow cljs server for quicker test compile times.
yarn start
yarn test
Deploy notes
- Update project.clj version
- Update changelog
- git commit new code
- git tag the current version
- push to remote
- git push origin --tags
- lein deploy clojars
MIT License.
Copyright © 2020 Daniel Vingo.