Danila Vershinin

Results 75 comments of Danila Vershinin

@Nightfurex basically need to create a sensible mapping from [this table's](https://spdx.org/licenses/) "Identifier" column to [this table's](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:Main?rd=Licensing#Good_Licenses) "Short Name" column, so e.g. updated file should be like so: ```python # Maps...

Users of CentOS / RedHat 7 may want to install jpegoptim compiled with MozJPEG using [these instructions](https://www.getpagespeed.com/images/install-jpegoptim-powered-by-mozjpeg-in-centos-redhat-7) (no compilation required, ready to install package).

@goodpsdev8 It works. Access to the repository is now subscription-based.

@mstumpf818 did you use Nginx for SSL termination and if so what is the value for "Crawler IP" and "VCL fix" that you have?

Using [pip-safe](https://github.com/dvershinin/pip-safe) (uses virtualenvs seamlessly) in CentOS 7 and 8: ``` sudo yum install https://extras.getpagespeed.com/release-el$(rpm -E %{rhel})-latest.rpm sudo yum install pip-safe ``` Then: ``` sudo pip-safe --system install mwscan ```...

+1 та же проблема. Это скорее большой баг, нежели фича. Юзер ставит сериал на мониторинг, а там когда уже 11 серия скачана, мониторрент показывает 8. ``` Название сериала [01-08 из...

Кому интересно моё решение без поддержки Socks в самом мониторренте - можно легко включить поддержку, используя внешние Environment variables, например запуская monitorrent следующим образом: ``` https_proxy=socks5:// http_proxy=socks5:// /path/to/python server.py ```...

@Gazoo it seems that your logrotate configuration for maldet monitoring was not included in the commit above. Or am I missing something?

@rodrigoaguilera as I'm not familiar with Alpine, can you please explain in further detail? Isn't there a command like `apk upgrade ` to do what you want?

@rodrigoaguilera I guess this won't be implemented for the time being. I've checked if there's something easily parseable like `rss` feed for package updates, but there's none there. Parsing HTML...