data-ptr-comm icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
data-ptr-comm copied to clipboard

Communicate between user-mode and kernel-mode through a swapped QWORD pointer argument.


communicate between usermode and kernelmode through a swapped qword ptr argument

used to bypass game anti-cheats like easyanticheat and battleye


tested on win ver 21h2

i'm not sure if this is undetected as i chain different pointers (which i have deleted), so chaining might be a good idea

the function

NtUserSetGestureConfig in win32k.sys


__int64 (__fastcall *__fastcall NtUserSetGestureConfig(__int64 a1))(_QWORD)
  __int64 (__fastcall *result)(_QWORD); // rax

  result = qword_FFFFF97FFF065648;
  if ( qword_FFFFF97FFF065648 )
    return (__int64 (__fastcall *)(_QWORD))qword_FFFFF97FFF065648(a1);
  return result;


sub     rsp, 38h
mov     rax, cs:qword_FFFFF97FFF065648 // <-- our qword, signature created here
test    rax, rax
jz      short loc_FFFFF97FFF007DC0