store-plugin copied to clipboard doesn't exist
I'm not sure exactly what's being done incorrectly, but this file doesn't exist nor does it appear in this repository, so I'm left wondering where it's supposed to be located/generated.
<FAILED> file "": /steam/casual/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Figure I should also note that there aren't any file permissioning errors and that this is a fresh server install. No files have been removed nor edited. This files appears to not exist on any medium, anywhere.
Running sm exts load store_sm
yields the same error, though it also outputs the following:
sm exts load store_sm
[SM] Loaded extension successfully.
sm exts list
[SM] Displaying 11 extensions:
[01] Automatic Updater ( Updates SourceMod gamedata files
[02] Webternet ( Extension for interacting with URLs
[03] CS Tools ( CS extended functionality
[04] BinTools ( Low-level C/C++ Calling API
[05] SDK Tools ( Source SDK Tools
[06] Top Menus ( Creates sorted nested menus
[07] Regex ( Provides regex natives for plugins
[08] SDK Hooks ( Source SDK Hooks
[09] <FAILED> file "": /steam/casual/csgo/addons/sourcemod/extensions/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[10] Client Preferences ( Saves client preference settings
[11] SQLite ( SQLite Driver
The error has been here for ages, just don't bother about it. It's harmless.
I also can't seem to get the plugin to function. Any idea why?
Showing any errors?
This is the only thing that I get. Plugin's just not loading up on server startup