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Knowledge map for dva.

Results 9 dva-knowledgemap issues
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How to setup the `subscriptions`' Data Source with any particular `time`, where I will get the time from the `effects` or `reducers`?

启动项目的步奏,里面少了npm intsall,然后再npm start

设置 history: browserHistory 无效

在教程里,提到基于action的跳转的时候,有如下例子。 // Outside Effects dispatch(routerRedux.push('/logout')); // With query routerRedux.push({ pathname: '/logout', query: { page: 2, }, }); 为什么带参数的跳转,不需要dispatch了呢? 感到迷茫,还请解惑。


版本 ```js "dva": "^1.2.1", "history": "^4.6.1", "react": "^15.4.0", ``` ## 入口 index.js ```js import dva from 'dva'; import { createHashHistory } from 'history'; import { browserHistory, hashHistory, useRouterHistory } from...