babel-plugin-dva-hmr icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
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Hmr babel plugin for dva.

Results 11 babel-plugin-dva-hmr issues
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Hi there! This change adds the repository property to your package.json file(s). Having this available provides a number of benefits to security tooling. For example, it allows for greater trust...

### `.babelrc`配置如下 ``` { "presets": [ [ "@babel/preset-env", { "modules": "cjs", "useBuiltIns": "usage", "corejs": 3, "targets": { "ie": 11 } } ], "@babel/preset-react" ], "plugins": [ [ "dva-hmr" ], [...

在create-react-app中配置dva-hmr还是整页刷新 ``` module.exports = function override(config, env) { // ..... if (env === 'development') { config = injectBabelPlugin(['dva-hmr'], config); } // ..... }; ```

/******/ cb(moduleOutdatedDependencies); dva里面 model文件的热更新不生效,刷新浏览器就可以了。哪里配错了? subscriptions里面也return了unlisten

使用dva-cli手脚架搭建好之后,配置dva-hmr启动之后报警告 ``` Starting the development server... [babel-plugin-dva-hmr][WARN] can't get router path in D:\demows\demos\erp-admin\client\js\index.js Compiled successfully! You can now view Your App in the browser. Local: http://localhost:8000/ On Your Network:

how to define reload frequency or timeout as it ! thanks

`entry: { main: ['@babel/polyfill','./src/index.js'] },` 入口改成这样后,热加载失效了,改成 ` entry: './src/index.js'`, 就行,怎么整??