memorizer copied to clipboard
A simple webapp for memorizing multiple choice answers
Memorizer is a webapp written in Python 3 using Flask and SQLAlchemy meant to be used for answering multiple choice questions. It was created specifically for answering older multiple choice exams.
Currently running on
Warning for users who want to adopt this project:
This project has been used as playground for me (duvholt) to experiment with different implemenations. The whole project is built upon the reinvent-the-wheel principle. I have deliberately avoided to build the app on big frameworks (well expect for SQLAlchemy - because who would want to deal with that mess). A good example of this is the homebrewed templating framework used to dynamically update the site.
- Multiple choice answering
- Support for several categories with subcategories (courses and exams)
- Statistics about answered questions
- Correct answer combo
- Random question which will select an unanswered question if possible
- Keyboard support
- Left/right arrows (or a/d) for previous/next question
- 1, 2, 3, 4 to select answer
- Space (or q) to answer
- r to load a random question
- Requires pipenv to be installed
pipenv install # Install requirements
pipenv shell
./ db upgrade # Create/upgrade database tables
./ import questions/*.json # Import all questions (Warning: super slow if using SQLite)
./ runserver # Run webserver
Local config
To overwrite configuration in memorizer/ create an new file called memorizer/
DEBUG = True
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'postgresql://username@localhost/memorizer'
Deleting courses, exams and questions are only available to administrators. To make a user an administrator run the following command:
pipenv run ./ admin <username_here>
Big thanks to all the contributors!