jetson-inference copied to clipboard
Linking lib jetson utils to independent project
Hi Dusty,
I would like to link and use both jetson-inference and jetson-utils in a self contained project.
I have compiled and installed both jetson-utils and jetson-inference (sudo make install). The installed detectNet works (i had to also do sudo make install jetson-utils otherwise there were some errors).
I started by taking the detectNet example and creating a CMakeList.txt with the following content:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16)
find_package(jetson-utils REQUIRED)
find_package(jetson-inference REQUIRED)
file(GLOB detectnetTestSources *.cpp)
cuda_add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${detectnetTestSources})
message(INFO " ${PROJECT_NAME}")
The code compiles but finds linking problems,
/usr/bin/ld: detectnet.cpp:(.text._ZN9tensorNet14PROFILER_QUERYE13profilerQuery.part.0[_ZN9tensorNet18PrintProfilerTimesEv]+0x1f9): undefined reference to `Log::mLevel'
I understand this is an issue with jetson-utils but i am having hard time understanding why it happens. Could you spot any potential issue with the CMake file?
Thanks in advance. Best Luis,
I figured it out, it turns that the values for ${jetson-inference_LIBS}, ${jetson-utils_LIBS}, ${jetson-inference_INCLUDE_DIRS} and ${jetson-utils_INCLUDE_DIRS}
are retruning empty. Once i hardcoded the paths to the .so and includes the problem is gone.
Best, Luis
Thanks @LuisTbx - glad you got it working. There is also an example CMakeLists.txt for externally including/linking jetson-inference/jetson-utils in out-of-tree projects here:
I think the difference is that I do it like this: target_link_libraries(my-recognition jetson-inference)
Thanks @dusty-nv this was indeed the solution. Best Luis.