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Suggested Additions to jetbot_ros Installation Procedure
Starting with the new L4T r3.22 image, I successfully completed the installation described in the Wiki by several additions, perhaps because several packages were in the original 58GiB image.
Create catkin_workspace To prevent error message "unable to find catkin_make", $ sudo apt-get install python-rosinstall, python-rosinstall-generator, python-wstool. ~/$source .bashrc
Build jetson-inference $sudo apt-get Install libglew-dev Compile & Install from source, jetson-utils,
$ sudo apt-get install git cmake Then clone the jetson-utils repo $ git clone $ cd jetson-utils $ git submodule update --init
Build make and Install
$ cd jetson-utils $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake ../ $ cd jetson-utils/build # omit if pwd is already /build from above $ make $ sudo make install
Build deep_learning and Build ros_deep_learning Install qt4-default, $sudo apt-get install qt4-default Follow remaining Wiki instructions to clone and compile in the ~/workspace/catkin_ws.
Build jetbot_ros, Testing JetBot, Running the Motors, Using Debug OLED, Using the Camera should proceed to completion. The camera Published camera data, but I had no way to see a picture. I plan to install the ROS "$rqt_image_view" to display the video message data.
I hope this Comment is accurate and useful
Installing Jetbot Model for Gazebo is next!