Dustin Moris Gorski
Dustin Moris Gorski
Cool will take a look. Thanks for linking!
Thanks for bringing this to attention. I shall have some time the next few days to look at this!
Looking into this today and it seems that the [latest Azure Piplines API](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/build/builds/list?view=azure-devops-rest-6.0) still doesn't allow to filter for the `stageName`. The [response also doesn't include a stage name anywhere...
Hi, that is a great suggestion. Would you like to add a 4th line of the average job time or would you prefer to swap the existing numbers with job...
Hi, FYI - I was looking into fixing this issue but currently the latest TravisCI API doesn't expose any specifics about the individual jobs it ran for a build. It...
I can't find anything in the GitHub API which allows me to explore/list/view packages of a repository. Do you have a link to the documentation which explains how to view...
Yes that is not a reasonable solution :(
Can you post the markdown code which you use? I can't see it from the image as GitHub puts it behind their own URL.
Hey this is not possible at the moment but a PR with this feature would be welcome!
Hi Steve, I don't have any such examples at the moment, but if you could link here an Azure DevOps pipeline where I can see code coverage metrics then I'd...