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Custom SQS connector for Laravel (or Lumen) that supports third-party, plain JSON messages

Results 29 laravel-plain-sqs issues
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Add a parameter to fail the job when this times out. Resolves #57

Add an option to create an exception when the job times. The argument is called `failOnTimeout` and it needs to be added when the job body is generated. This option...

I think it can be confusing when receiving a message from SQS, that the payload is modified to only include the `data` values if the `data` key is present. I...

In the README, you mentioned that the config matches SQS queues with handler classes. ``` return [ 'handlers' => [ 'base-integrations-updates' => App\Jobs\HandlerJob::class, ], 'default-handler' => App\Jobs\HandlerJob::class ]; ``` However,...

I am using PHP >=5.6.4 & Lumen 5.5.* & laravel-plain-sqs ^0.1.16 in **config/queue.php** `'connections' => [ 'sqs-plain' => [ 'driver' => 'sqs-plain', 'key' => env('SQS_KEY', 'key'), 'secret' => env('SQS_SECRET', 'secret'),...

If handler or default-handler in config is set to null, get the job from queue message, like native laravel

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Given the example shown within the []( file, we are given the following code snippet under [Receiving from SQS]( ``` use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\Job as LaravelJob; class HandlerJob extends Job { protected...

It would be very useful to be able to validate the incoming JSON and if not valid, to handle gracefully. There doesn't appear to be any way to do so...

We have a use case in which we want to fetch additional attributes of the queued message. This change should allow that through configuration, but maintains the same default behavior.