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Ballcone is a fast and lightweight server-side Web analytics solution.

Results 5 ballcone issues
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The most-popular browser data are hard to read, because each days are not super-well delimited. Maybe a plot would help? Associated with longer-duration data (see #103), it would be helpful...

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AIOHTTP, by default, does not enforce strict rules against CSRF and CORS, but it is good to have them set up.

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nginx provides the request query string in the variable [$args]( Query strings can contain useful information like UTM parameters. This could be useful in analyzing the traffic sources but requires...


Draw the logo of Ballcone, which should be a ball inscribed in a cone.

help wanted

Although nginx is my default choice, the world is not limited just to it. Other servers, such as haproxy, also support exporting access logs via the syslog protocol, so they...

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