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This a library to allow C# developers to interact with CasparCG Server

Is a set of libraries wrote in .net standard to allow control a CasparrCG server and receive OSC messages.

CasparCG Server is a Windows and Linux software used to play out professional graphics, audio and video to multiple outputs. It has been in 24/7 broadcast production since 2006.

More info about CasparCG Server here
You can contact me or discuss about this lib here

Compatible to 2.0.7 version to 2.2 of CasparCG for now. Currently testing on 2.3 please feel free to test and report issue if you found one.

Build Build status
Nuget for AMCP Control NuGet NuGet
Nuget for OSC NuGet NuGet
Nuget for OSC Event Hub NuGet NuGet

Write .net Standard 2.1.

List of supported .net framework.

Quick Start up for AMCP control

Install nuget package

dotnet add package

Use of dependency injection

The library can be use with Dependency Injection. In this example we use Microsoft Dependency Injection. Register all dependencies: Snippet

static void ConfigureIOC(IServiceCollection services)

Initialize connection

Then you just need to call the Configure IOC and enjoy ;):


//Get casparCG device instance
var casparCGServer = serviceProvider.GetService<ICasparDevice>();

//Handler to be notify if the Server is connected or disconnected
 casparCGServer.ConnectionStatusChanged += CasparDevice_ConnectionStatusChanged;
//Initialize the connection

Work with server

You can get the version of the current CasparCG Server:

var casparCGServer = serviceProvider.GetService<ICasparDevice>();

Or clips list:

var casparCGServer = serviceProvider.GetService<ICasparDevice>();
var clips = casparCGServer.GetMediafiles();

Work with Channel Manager:

At the first connection the code will retrieve all channels available. The library declare a Channel manager for each channel. Channel manager has the amcp command that require a channel ID. If you want to play a clip on a channel

var channel = casparCGServer.Channels.First(x => x.ID == 1);
channel.LoadBG(new CasparPlayingInfoItem { VideoLayer = 1, Clipname = "AMB" });

Work with CG Manager: A CG Manager is present on each Channel Manager If you want to play a template:

var channel = casparCGServer.Channels.First(x => x.ID == 1);
channel.CG.Add(10, 1, "caspar_text");
channel.CG.Play(10, 1);

Work with Mixer Manager: A Mixer Manager is present on each Channel Manager If you want to play with the mixer here we set the brigthness:

var channel = casparCGServer.Channels.First(x => x.ID == 1);
channel.Mixer.Brightness(1, 0.2F);            

Demo project

You can see more example in demo project.

Quick Start up to receive OSC Message

Install nuget package

dotnet add package 

Use of dependency injection

 _container = new UnityContainer();
 _container.RegisterType<IOscListener, OscListener>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager()); 
 ///Create a connection to CasparCG Server to allow osc message to be sent
  _container.RegisterInstance<IServerConnection>( new ServerConnection(),new SingletonLifetimeManager());

Initialize the connection to listen to OSC message

///Connect to CasparCG to allow OSC message to be sent to osc client
 _container.Resolve<IServerConnection>().Connect(new CasparCGConnectionSettings(""));
//Get an instance of OcsListener from Unity
var oscListener = _container.Resolve<IOscListener>();
//Attach to event to get the OSC message when received
oscListener.OscMessageReceived += OscListener_OscMessageReceived;
//Begin to listen to OSC Message from CasparCG
oscListener.StartListening("", 6250);          

Stop to listen


Can filter to receive notification only for some address

//Filter for a simple address
//Filter for a range of address. Here we get all address for layer to 1-1000... and channel 1-10000...
//Filter by regex. Here we want all message that begin by /channel/1/stage/layer/1 and not ended by time

Or you can simply black list an address to don't be notify for it

  //I don't want to be notify for this address, in this case [0-9] means for all channels
  //Or you can use also a regex

Remove from filtered list address

Pass the address or the pattern that you add before


Remove from black list address

Pass the address or the pattern that you add before


Demo project

You can see more example in demo project.

Quick Start up for OSC Event hub [WIP]

OSC Event hub is a class that capture the osc message parse the address and trigger .net event.

How to start up. Obviously ready for the Dependency injection. So you need to map interface and class. OSC Event hub has a dependency to the Osc listener.

Install nuget package

dotnet add package

Configure dependencies

 _container = new UnityContainer();
 _container.RegisterType<IOscListener, OscListener>(new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
 _container.RegisterType<ICasparCGOscEventsHub, CasparCGOscEventsHub>();
 ///Create a connection to CasparCG Server to allow osc message to be sent
  _container.RegisterInstance<IServerConnection>( new ServerConnection(),new SingletonLifetimeManager());
 var eventHub = _container.Resolve<ICasparCGOscEventsHub>();
 //Attach the desire event
 eventHub.PlaybackClipChanged += OnPlaybackClipChanged;
 ///Connect to CasparCG to allow OSC message to be sent to osc client
_container.Resolve<IServerConnection>().Connect(new CasparCGConnectionSettings(""));

 //Start to listen Osc message on 6250 port. Check your Osc port on the config of Caspar CG

Ouput OSC Message/Event

AddressExample ArgumentsDescriptionEvent
/channel/[0-9]/formatPALThe video format of the channelOutputFormatChanged
profiler/time0.041 | 0.04The amount of time that CasparCG Server is spending rendering the frame, two arguments are sent in this message, what it is and what it should be as shown in the example.ProfilerTimeChanged
output/port/[0-9]/typescreenA message like this will exists for each of the outputs in use, with the default CasparCG config file in use this will result in two rows; one of type screen, and one of type system-audio. Current types are [[screen|Screen Consumer]], system-audio, [[decklink|Decklink Consumer]], [[bluefish|Bluefish Consumer]] and [[file|Disk Consumer]]OutputPortChanged
output/port/[0-9]/frame200 | 922222222888836854The number of frames that have been created by the consumer on this port, the example indicates that 200 frames have been written to disk and that a maximum of 922222222888836854 can be written. ConsumerFrameCreatedChanged

Stage Messages

Stage messages contain properties related to CasparCG Server layers and the producers that are contained within them.

General Stage messages

The following messages do not directly relate to a producer.

AddressExample ArgumentsDescriptionEvent
/channel/[0-9]/stage/layer/[0-9]/time101.24Seconds the layer has been activeLayerActiveTimeChanged
frame2531Time in frames that the layer has been activeLayerActiveFrameChanged
typetransition LayerTypeChanged
profiler/time0.39 | 0.4Actual | Expected time on frameLayerProfilerChanged
pausedTrue/FalseWhether the layer is paused or notLayerPausedChanged

FFMPEG Producer

Address Example Arguments Description Event
file/time 12 / 400 Seconds elapsed on file playback / Total Seconds PlaybackClipTimeChanged
file/frame 300 / 10000 Frames elapsed on file playback / Total frames PlaybackClipFrameChanged
file/fps 25 Framerate of the file being played PlaybackClipFrameRateChanged
file/path AMB.mp4 Filename and path (if file is in a sub-folder) of the media file, paths relative to the media folder defined in the config file PlaybackClipPathChanged
file/video/width 1920 Frame width of the video file PlaybackClipWidthChanged
file/video/height 1080 Frame height of the video file PlaybackClipHeightChanged
file/video/field progressive Scan type of the video file, progressive or interlaced PlaybackClipFieldChanged
file/video/codec H.264 /AVC Codec of the video file PlaybackClipVideoCodecChanged
file/audio/sample-rate 48000 Audio sample rate of this files audio track PlaybackClipAudioSampleRateChanged
file/audio/channels 2 Number of channels in this files audio track PlaybackClipAudioChannelsChanged
file/audio/format s16 Audio compression format, in this case uncompressed 16 bit PCM audio PlaybackClipAudioFormatChanged
file/audio/codec AAC Audio codec for the audio track in this file PlaybackClipAudioCodecChanged
loop 1 Whether the file is set to loop playback or not, only applies to ffmpeg inputs of type file not stream or device. PlaybackLoopChanged

Flash Producer

The messages below may be produced when an object utilising the [[Flash Producer]] is in use on the stage.

Address Example Arguments Description Event
/channel/[0-9]/stage/layer/[0-9]/host/ path template_file.ft TemplatePathChanged
width 1920 TemplateWidthChanged
height 1080 TemplateHeightChanged
fps 50 TemplateFpsChanged
/channel/[0-9]/stage/layer/[0-9]/ buffer FlashProducerBufferChanged

Mixer Messages

The majority of information from CasparCG's compositing module is not yet made available via OSC (an issue is open for this), the only information available currently is audio related as listed below.

Address Example Arguments Description Event
/channel/[0-9]/mixer/audio/ nb_channels 2 Number of audio channels in use on this CasparCG channel MixerAudioChannelsCountChanged
[0-9]/dBFS -20 Audio level in dBFS MixerAudioDbfsChanged

What I need to do next:

  • Abstract looging to add logging
  • Fill missing XML Doc. Some help is welcome :p
  • Implement lib that trigger event for CasparCG OSC messages

Issue or Feedback