markmap copied to clipboard
render as an image
It would be cool if there was an option to render mindmap as an image. I can imagine how useful it would be inside an npm script. For example when generating documentation for a project, I could create a mindmap image with data models.
Hi, thanks for the suggestion. It is a neat idea, but I do not have an immediate use for it myself, so I won't be likely adding this at the moment.
You can do manual exports with the atom plugin though: . Just right click on the mindmap and export it to SVG.
However, markmap is built as a library, so anyone can build on top of it and create a CLI tool you describe. I will keep this issue open in case someone interested stumbles on it.
I want this feature too! It will be awesome!
hello, this markmap is really great! it's a nice idea for render as an image, i want to this feature too too. It will be awesome! hah
Like many others, would appreciate to be able to generate an image like a png file on the command line. This in order to be able to add markmap to a documentation generation flow where everything can be done automatically until the PDF generation.
You could start with having an option to save the SVG, which you generate anyway, as a standalone file.
As an example use case: I am not using and would love to add the generation of the markmap to a Makefile, so that I can run everything from the command line. By the way, there are some svg2png converters available for the command line, so that could then also be automated....
Many thanks for your consideration.
I run into this scenario in need of converting markmap to pdf/png as well. I wanted to convert the product SVG to png but it shows only the leaves without the texts in Krita and other image editing tools. In the end, I got satisfactory results by using jotterpad and "Print with Template" option.