RGoogleDocs copied to clipboard
getGoogleDocsConnection error
Hi Duncan,
I can use "getGoogleDocsConnection" comand previous, but now, this comand can not move, when i use this connect command, following error occurs, Error: Not Found
I use source is
install.packages("RGoogleDocs", repos = "http://www.omegahat.org/R")
library("RGoogleDocs", lib.loc="
Cause you know? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
I just started having this issue yesterday as well.
Hi Duncan,
Thank you for your reply, Solutions have been found, please tell me,
I also am having this issue. I believe it is related to Google updating its API on 5/26
Me Too: Error:Not Found
after running getGoogleAuth(login = getOption("GoogleDocsPassword"),service ="wise")
I get the following horror Error: Not Found
I do not know how to fix it other than to appeal to @duncantl . I have RGoogleDocs all over my many scripts. Recently I tried out googlesheets and it did the job well. I do not know what the differences are between RGoogleDocs and googlesheets but would love to read a comparative review by an advanced user of both packages.
I also am having this issue. I believe it is related to Google updating its API on 5/26
⇒ Is resolution difficult?
Previous I try out googlesheets. me too..but I konw what this library has problems. For example, there are space in spreadsheet, data type collapses in reading, So I want to use GoogleDocs packages.
Hi. Sorry, I've been really busy and haven't had a chance to update this. Hopefully I will have some time this weekend now that the quarter is winding down.
If googlesheets fits everyone's needs, that will save time in updating RGoogleDocs.
for what it's worth googlesheets would cause problems for me, primarily because upgrading to R 3.0.1 will be difficult on my outdated PPC ubuntu server. But I probably could figure it out eventually.
Ok. I will try out googlesheets lib and somehow. If it will update RGoogleDocs and can use, please comment,
I have a similar problem - I can't downgrade R to run googlesheets. Has anyone found a workaround to authenticate?
@kyeoh I am not sure what you mean. Why do you need to downgrade R to run googlesheets. Please diminish my ignorance.
How strange. I tried 4 hours ago and it didn't let me install into R 3.1.2, but now it works!
> library(RGoogleDocs)
Attaching package: ‘RGoogleDocs’
The following object is masked from ‘package:methods’:
> gpasswd = 'xxxxxxxxx'
> auth = getGoogleAuth('[email protected]', gpasswd)
- Error: Not Found
> con = getGoogleDocsConnection(auth)
- Error in getGoogleDocsConnection(auth) : object 'auth' not found
> devtools::session_info()
Session info -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setting value
version R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
system x86_64, linux-gnu
ui RStudio (0.99.484)
language (EN)
collate en_US.UTF-8
tz America/New_York
date 2015-10-08
Hi Duncan,
I am trying to install RGoogleDocs on my LInux machine using following command, install.packages("RGoogleDocs", repos = "http://www.omegahat.org/R") but it gives this error "Warning: unable to access index for repository http://www.omegahat.org/R/src/contrib: cannot open URL 'http://www.omegahat.org/R/src/contrib/PACKAGES' Warning message: package 'RGoogleDocs' is not available (for R version 3.2.3)"
I'm hoping to use this package to send txt, pdf, jpeg, etc files to a folder in google drive. I don't think i can do this with googlesheets from what i recall.
Can't believe i cant find any other packages to just dump a file from R into google drive folder.
Any idea if this is a major problem to fix so not likely to be done any time soon? If so any alternatives you might know of would be great to hear.
Keeping my fingers crossed you get time to fix it but totally understand if you don't.
@Andrewm4894pmc Its a problem I've found as well. In general R is not the best language for this kind of thing. Connecting to google drive is much easier with languages like java, JS, python. It makes me sad as an R programmer but that is why R is not a general purpose programming language. Although to be fair rdrop2 does a pretty good job if you are willing to use dropbox.
From the looks of this discussion, the authentication bug for this function was never fixed.