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PDKIM is a C/C++ library that implements DKIM as specified in RFC4871. It is self-contained (no build dependencies except for a C library), and works on Unix and Windows platforms.
PDKIM - a RFC4871 (DKIM) implementation http://duncanthrax.net/pdkim/ Copyright (C) 2009 Tom Kistner [email protected]
Includes code from the PolarSSL project. http://polarssl.org Copyright (C) 2009 Paul Bakker [email protected] Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Christophe Devine
Building on Unix
Review Makefile.unix
make -f Makefile.unix install
This will install static/dynamic libs and the header file, which is a prerequisite for running a test:
cd sample; make -f Makefile.unix test
Please note that libs and header carry the major version number in their names, i.e. "pdkim1.h" or "pkdim1.so.0".
Building on Windows
Using Visual C/C++ compiler:
Open a cmd.exe shell.
Run vcvarsall.bat inside that shell. Usually this can be found in the \VC subdir of your VC++ installation.
nmake /f Makefile.win
This will create a static library "pdkim1-static.lib", as well as a dynamic pdkim1.lib/pdkim1.dll file pair. The header is copied to pdkim1.h. These are no installation locations. Please copy the respective files to a location of your choice (or leave them where they are ...).
API Documentation
For signing, read sample/test_sign.c. For verification, read sample/test_verify.c
Both have extensive comments covering the API calls. They will direct you to read the pdkim1.h file that covers the signature structure.