No divergence on the 10000 ticks either (4 months). Does anyone have a save with lots of industry being created which I can test?
> Member woops. Fixed that crash.
Getting a divergence on 10000 ticks of 1Industry.
No divergence on 10000 ticks of 1Industry.
Sure go ahead.
https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/blob/develop/src/openrct2/common.h would probably be the best location. We have placed the money equivalents of this in there. Tbh we could probably do with changing the money macros to use a...
@michiboo i did a bit more experimenting and i think my code can be slightly improved to provide higher precession. Might be useful for some literals that are harder to...
https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/wiki/Building-OpenRCT2-on-Linux is our guide. @janisozaur can help you out if you provide information on what the issue is but please follow the guide first.
Sure. OpenLoco has a great example of this https://github.com/OpenLoco/OpenLoco/blob/master/src/OpenLoco/Speed.hpp we've been using it for quite a while now with no noticable issues. Strongly suggest pretty much copying Speed.hpp and modifying...
If you look at my final code for OpenLoco I made it a signed value for speed.