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A pure JS in-memory implementation of the IndexedDB API

Results 19 fakeIndexedDB issues
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FakeDOMStringList seems to be extending array, but a number of array methods aren't available. Such that tests can pass and then result in failure in production. I had a migration...

The `"close"` event on an IDBDatabase only fires when the database closes for an abnormal reason, as described [in the spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/IndexedDB/#close-a-database-connection). (An abnormal reason would be something like the user...

Blobs are corrupted when saved to a store. I believe it is caused by Typeson not supporting blobs. FakeIndexedDB version 2.0.3 kind of supports it, it works but the console...

Is there any options for permanent storages? If not, does FIDB have any plans for supporting this feature? Something like sync data with the real IndexedDB?

Similar to #50, it would be awesome for fakeindexeddb to have a way to simulate the storage device running out of space and throwing a [QuotaExceededError](https://web.dev/storage-for-the-web/#over-quota). Currently this is really...

This ended up being harder than anticipated, mostly due to tooling. For the most part, the change was simple. In `errors.ts`, I've replace `class SomeError extends Error` with `function newSomeError(...):...

fake-indexeddb currently throws exceptions that are `Error` objects, but [IndexedDB throws `DOMException`s](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IDBRequest/error#Value). Of course, this is a little sticky 'cause fake-indexeddb is on Node, but there seems to be [a...

Hi, thank you so much for making `fakeIndexedDB`! I love using it in my tests; it's a marvelous piece of software. :slightly_smiling_face: I'm running into an issue where `fakeIndexedDB` is...

Hey! Thanks for this lib! I'm trying to use fakeIndexedDB in node environment and have the following code: ``` import FDBCursor = require("fake-indexeddb/lib/FDBCursor"); ``` Just trying to import fdbcursor but...

Node.js now has a built-in [Blob](https://nodejs.org/api/buffer.html#class-blob), so maybe I can use that rather than https://github.com/dumbmatter/fakeIndexedDB/blob/a1c148880d227fa218473efeac11d4e36dfa8b73/src/test/web-platform-tests/wpt-env.js#L7-L11 and maybe also [enable some skipped tests that use Blobs](https://github.com/dumbmatter/fakeIndexedDB/blob/a1c148880d227fa218473efeac11d4e36dfa8b73/src/test/web-platform-tests/run-all.js#L85-L88).