Btw. there are some thoughts about merging ECS (i.e. a strictly synchronous architecture) with an asynchronous architecture in https://github.com/Pauan/rust-signals/discussions/31#discussioncomment-829947 . If you find you have some spare time to explore...
> If you have some concrete thoughts about how to design some of these features, especially the `Role`, `(entity, component)` identifiers, and event driven `System` updates, please let me know...
Links in the following discussion might be of interest to you: https://github.com/traffaillac/traffaillac.github.io/issues/1 .
> One thing I found in using Overseer is that sometimes you want to use some state which is stashed outside of the components (maybe carried around in a custom...
@9214 I don't know the process, but I would say the easiest would probably be to provide feedback and corrections right here and then collectively decide where the information will...
@YangAi maybe something like https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/guide-fixing-external-monitor-scaling-and-fuzziness-issues-with-mbp-and-osx.2179968/ ?
> Current plans are to move to my own design with a BLE5.2 and 8 channel 24bit ADC (ADS131M08). This is radically power efficient (like 20mA running at full ADC...
So this next device is will not provide any HEG functionality, but only EEG? I hope this next device's architecture will alow multiple next devices in one room :wink: (i.e....
I'd also welcome some more keys/characters incl. (in this order) `,` `;` `Esc` etc. Anyone?
> I've personally lost interest in it, so not by me. It si OK. > Feel free to fork if you wish, though there are some designed choices with it...