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Make it possible to toggle checkboxes in view mode and have it save the state without entering edit mode
Feature request: I would like to be able to go to my To do list and toggle checkboxes in my list of tasks in view mode and have it save.
What it does now: Currently I can't toggle checkboxes in view mode. I have to go to edit, view in WYSIWYG mode, check the checkbox and then click save.
Why do I want this: Many people use checkboxes for quick toggling of tasks. It is a lot of work to do 4 actions just to toggle the status of a checkbox on my todo list.
It would be faster if it could be toggled in view mode and have it saved to the note automatically.
I second this request. Manually going to edit mode and changing [ ]
to [x]
isn't exactly convinient.
Especially when you quickly need to check off multiple items.
Please make this a feature! I transitioned from Notion to Flatnotes but my To-do experience is still not perfect
The only thing I'm really missing so far, I use it a lot for shopping lists. Other then that great app! Keep up the good work, and keep it clean!
This is currently the most upvoted suggestion, and so I had a look at this. Unfortunately, the viewer component of the markdown editor flatnotes uses doesn't have a method to get the content (as the editor component does). Without being able to get the content, I can't save the updated state.
I'll try and have another look for an option but thought I'd post this here as an update.
Yeah I also already took a look at the viewer you are using and also thought that might get difficult to implement.
Also second this. It would be fantastic.