logue-sdk-vscode copied to clipboard
Visual Studio Code template project for logue-sdk. With predefined debug profiles for different ST-LINK and J-Link debug interfaces.
Visual Studio Code template project for logue-sdk.
Contains predefined debug profiles for different ST-LINK and J-Link debug interfaces. Build system is based on my fork of logue-sdk, but can be easily retargeted to vanilla logue-sdk repository.
Project structure
- .vscode/ : Visual Studio Code workspace configuration files.
- inc/fxwrapper.h : FX wrapper that allows creating all effect types from one source file.
- lodue-sdk/ : My own logue-sdk fork with optimized Makefiles, and reduced project footprint.
- src/ : Effects and oscillator source file templates.
- Template-delfx/ : Delay FX project template.
- Template-osc/ : Oscillator project template.
- Template-modfx/ : Mod FX project template.
- Template-revfx/ : Replay FX project template.
- Makefile : Common Makefile for all projects.
- unit.mk : Per-project makefile wrapper.
Follow logue-sdk initialization procedure described in the corresponding documentation. In order to perform automated unit load and selection you need to install logue-cli from logue-sdk and SendMIDI and make sure to put them somewhere accessible with PATH variable. For dumping option both SendMIDI and ReceiveMIDI are required to be installed. Open folder in VSCode, then you will be proposed to download dependent plugins, which is stated in extensions.json
Build options
- Build all : build all units in all supported synth variants.
- Build minilogue XD units : build all units for minilogue XD only.
- Build NTS-1 units : build all units for NTS-1 only.
- Build prologue units : build all units for prologue only.
- Clean all : delete all intermediat build files and unit files.
- Load unit : load selected unit to the last slot of the compatible synth and select it.
- Dump all units : download all units from the first connected synth.
- Update SVD files : download System View Description files which is needed for debug on the real synth.
- Run Update SVD files (only needed for the first time)
- Connect synth with USB port.
- Connect to one of the synth's SWD interfaces with the supported USB-dongle, like ST-LINK or J-Link (refer to Cortex Debug plugin).
- Build target unit with one of the Build * tasks
- Load and select the unit on the synth either manually or by selecting the *.*unit file and running Load unit task.
- Select the .elf file inside of the build directory of the unit.
- Activate Run and Debug tab.
- From the Run and Debug dropdown list select the option, which is suitable for the unit type, synth model and debugger option.
- tokuhira for debug options clarification.