
Results 8 issues of Tom

Dear author I would like to consult where the color is inconsistent in the picture, (the changing contig),What is the generating file that lets me know which contig it is?...


Dear author I want to see the results of the genome itself alignment I used this code: minimap2 -cx asm5 -t 100 -I8g $ref.fa $ref.fa > $ref.paf However . this...

dear author /bwa mem -t 80 MotherHap.fa R1.fastq.gz R2.fastq.gz |samtools view -@ 70 -Sb > F0-73.bam samtools sort -@ 60 F0-73.bam -o F0-73.sort.bam samtools index F0-73.sort.bam Then I went to...

Dear author How to solve this Problem? Does it require networking to accomplish? Best HuipengDu

![image]( This is the parameter index provided by the author, but why is it not included in the meryl-lookup? ![image]( Hope for some guidance

Dear author meryl if there are parameters, can retrieve the reads where the kmer is located

Dear author I'd like to ask you,I run through your code ,generates 3 tsv suffix files,as follow: ![image]( I'd like to ask which file I should mainly look at. What...

Dear author I used the commands recommended by githup, as follows: megalodon \ $f5 \ --guppy-server-path $guppy \ --guppy-config dna_r9.4.1_450bps_fast.cfg \ --remora-modified-bases dna_r9.4.1_e8 fast 0.0.0 5hmc_5mc CG 0 \ --outputs...