lua-resty-smtp copied to clipboard
I must be crazy trying to send mail with Nginx.
大佬你好,我最近有个需求,把一个nginx服务当成一个邮件转发的服务, 邮件发过去,nginx 识别邮件的主题转发到不同的第三方邮件服务器上,你这个能支持吗
`ngx.header.content_type="application/json;charset=utf8"; local function send_mail() local smtp = require("resty.smtp") local mime = require("resty.smtp.mime") local ltn12 = require("resty.smtp.ltn12") ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "Sending test mail...") local subject = "mail with attachment" local body = "mail...
Can you please add a standard LICENSE.txt file with your copyright and license text to the project repository? It would be a great help for those who want to legally...
我通过opm的方式安装, 发现有require的bug. 查找不到`resty.smtp.mime-core`模块. 经测试,把`resty/smtp/mime.lua`里面的`require("resty.smtp.mime-core")`改为`require("resty.smtp.mime.core")`就恢复正常.
The best smtp server under openresty ever! but we are encountered chaos in Chinese UTF-8 encoding. We tried to append content-type in header section according to the code, but it...
In case of single quotes around the encoding some email clients (for example in the firefox and google chrome browser) show corrupted text instead utf-8 characters.
如题:我尝试了很多写法,可以在标题 与附件中使用中文,但是在邮件正文中使用中文总是乱码
This is very cool. Though I think I want the opposite. What I want is so have nginx accept incoming email and translate it into an http request for my...
Gmail's SMTP server requires the STARTTLS command to work properly.
It should use ngx_lua's `ngx.encode_base64` and `ngx.decode_base64` API functions instead of LuaSocket's pure Lua implementation. The performance difference should be notable.