Duffy O'Craven

Results 25 issues of Duffy O'Craven

Before #77 change gets widely circulated, check whether passing the negative -INF through %.16d still puts the minus sign at far-left

At https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8335 an additional request-reply pair is documented. ICMP field Type: Extended Echo Request. The value for ICMPv4 is 42. The value for ICMPv6 is 160 ICMP field Type: Extended...


:word: character class could be supported in regex. I see these five in parallel: ``` jrx_ccl* local_ccl_lower(jrx_ccl_group* group) { jrx_ccl* ccl = ccl_empty(group); ccl = _add_range(ccl, 'a', 'z'); return ccl;...


``` module Issue_462_write_should_be_considered_a_rsved_word; import spicy; public type A = unit { on %init { self.b.connect(new B); } write: uint8; connect: bytes &size=self.write { self.b.write($$); } on %done { print "B.write",...


I have an earlier, not-trimmed down situation, resulting reproducibly with a concluding print of: Illegal instruction: 4. I'm trying to reproduce that. ``` 3065 /usr/local/etc/tmp/spicy$cat ~/Documents/work/Corelight/projects/SS7/cap-voice-chantilly.pcap | build/bin/spicy-driver ../Issue_210_illegal_instr_from_2696.spicy Issue_210__illegal_instruction.cc:4425:1:...


https://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/category/Nd/list.htm provides the data for internationalizing `to_uint([ inout base: uint ]) → uint` method which interprets the data as representing an ASCII-encoded number, for all of UTF-8 and not exclusive...

Priority Low
Runtime Library

The wiki instructions in https://github.com/zeek/zeek-agent/wiki/Signing-macOS-builds ``` 3. Expand the Trust section 4. Select Always Trust from the When using this certificate list ``` could be improved at step 3. by...

good first issue

``` Generating docs for nested compound zeek::ZeekTableListTablePlugin::PrivateData... ./zeek-agent/osquery/external/extension_zeek-agent/components/zeekdatabase/src/zeektablelisttableplugin.cpp:8: warning: Member table_list_mutex (variable) of class zeek::ZeekTableListTablePlugin::PrivateData is not documented. ./zeek-agent/osquery/external/extension_zeek-agent/components/zeekdatabase/src/zeektablelisttableplugin.cpp:9: warning: Member table_list (variable) of class zeek::ZeekTableListTablePlugin::PrivateData is not documented. ```...

good first issue

Vendor Proprietary Network Layer Message is specified if Bit 7 of the control octet is 1 and the network_layer_message_type octet contains a value in the range X'80' - X'FF'. For...

The loop construct in network_layer_message processing, for any observed amount of network_number content, is the proper way to capture what is in the actual packet. After provisioning for the 1-octet...