date-picker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
date-picker copied to clipboard

Duet Date Picker is an open source version of Duet Design System’s accessible date picker. Try live example at

Results 57 date-picker issues
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**Describe the bug** I'm experiencing some strange behavior when using VoiceOver on Safari. After I select a date, calendar closes and the browser focus moves back to the calendar button....

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The component isn't really a 'date-picker' per se. It's a form field **with** a date-picker. In my company we already...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Hi, I haven't tested this yet but the documentation make it seem that this is made to be bound to...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When using the date-picker for a date range it would be useful if the range of dates that has/is being...

This PR adds an option to `show()` for opening the calendar without changing the focus. This option could be useful in cases where focusing the calendar would be confusing (for...

Say I just want to change the placeholder. Currently, I have to pass in all of the fields in localization according to . However, I have found that as...

I'm able to make the placeholder accept only MM/YYYY values but I don't think there's a capability to set the picker itself to select month and year only ![image](

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Should there be a built-in way to open the calendar picker on input focus instead of requiring to press a...

The default screen width threshold that puts the calendar in mobile view is currently 39rem. My website has different mobile threshold. Can we make the calendar go into mobile view...

**Describe the bug** When it's built via npm run build, it's showing me this error (TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isProxied')) in my console on chrome browser. And...