Hi @mszostok, any updates on this one?
Thanks @AjayTripathy. Why are new dedicated metrics needed here? Can't we just use a `max()` query instead? Creating new metrics adds unnecessary cardinality in prometheus. In addition, I believe that...
@AjayTripathy would the kubecost API work properly if I [disable these metrics](https://github.com/kubecost/cost-analyzer-helm-chart/blob/f9a8f3326a540e1b0ece714c52f100fa085bf0b8/cost-analyzer/values.yaml#L928-L929)? Also does opencost support disabling metrics as well?
Thanks @AjayTripathy. What are your thoughts about changing the code to make opencost/kubecost rely on `kube_pod_container_resource_requests` instead? Thus removing some duplicate metrics.
@AjayTripathy where can we see the roadmap for OpenCost?
I'm also experiencing the same issue, can't load data for more than 1 day. How is the opencost UI's data fetching different than the kubecost UI? The kubecost UI gives...
Hi @AjayTripathy, ~50 nodes ~1500 pods.
@AjayTripathy so what's the point of the opencost UI if it's unusable?
> 1. I recommend adding shorter time windows. this is what many users are looking at on larger clusters > 2. recording rules can help here @dwbrown2 can you please...
> @thallada not exactly what you're asking for but you can `` to refine the search with fuzzy matching from within the live_grep picker @jamestrew are you sure this is...